Mar 24, 2024
You may have noticed that this month’s episode is a little shorter than normal. That’s because it didn’t start out as an episode. The Kansas Turnpike Authority contacted us about doing a public service announcement about a change they are making in July. They want to get the word out and thought our podcast would be a good avenue for that.
So, the plan was to record the PSA and then include it in the introduction of a couple of episodes. But, at the end of the conversation I had with Steve Hewitt, the CEO of the KTA, I thought it was such an interesting conversation that it should be its own episode. And, so here we are.
This month, you are going to learn about the upcoming change to our turnpike system – we are going cashless in Kansas – but you’ll also get a bit of the behind the scenes of how the turnpike system works.
Show Notes:
BoredRoom Blues (song by Geoff)
What You’ll Learn in this Episode
● Kansas Turnpike is moving to cashless payments in July 2024
● History of the Kansas Turnpike
● Behind the scenes of the Kansas Turnpike