Jan 23, 2021
In this month’s episode of Uncovering Kansas Rach talks with Grammy-nominated musical artist Jan Kraybill. If y’all could have seen Rachel’s eyes when she slotted this interview. She doesn’t geek out over too many things. Rachel is pretty level-headed. But she does enjoy a classical music concert, there’s no denying that.
When Geoff, our co-producer, listened to the initial post-production he smiled and nodded as Jan communicated a response she receives after mentioning she’s from Kansas City to strangers she meets in her travels. Rachel and Geoff receive similar responses. In fact, the communication dynamic is so memorable and powerful Geoff included it in a story he wrote in November 2019. Be sure to listen close when Jan and Rachel start to discuss meeting new people while traveling. Have you received similar questions about the Kansas City area?
So, turn up your volume if you’re going to multitask while listening, or grab your favorite set of earbuds and your beverage of choice. Find a comfy spot and settle in. Relax and listen to Rachel and Jan take a meandering audio backroads drive through the subjects of music, Kansas, travel and more.
And, as always, thanks for listening and sharing this podcast with others.