Aug 22, 2021
This month, Rachel talks with Ryan Biergert, festival co-chair
of Svensk Hillingsfest, a festival that celebrates our state’s
Swedish Heritage, hosted in Lindsborg. According to the Kansas
Historical Society, the first Swede arrived in Kansas in 1864, and
he encouraged others to emigrate and file claims for land in what
is now Lindsborg Ks. By 1890, there were 17,000 Swedes in
Lindsborg is a town that celebrates its Swedish history, and not
just during the festival. Visit any time of the year, and you’ll
feel the Swedish culture everywhere you go. There is a lot to see
and do in Lindsborg, and I hope you add it to your list, whether
you go during the festival or at another time of year.
What You'll Learn in this Episode:
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