Sep 26, 2020
Hello, Kansas! Uncovering Kansas Podcast co-producer Geoff here, with this month’s show notes.
I pitched the idea for this month’s episode to Rach back in late May and, paraphrasing now, it went a little something like this:
“Not now,” I had said. “I understand things are still in a fragile state. But when we start to come out of the pandemic, I think we should send out invitations to several communities across Kansas. Offer them a chance to share a little about their community’s COVID story. However they want to tell it: it’s their story, after all. Whatever they want to share. The good. Or the bad. The uplifting, or sad. People will shoot straight. They won’t hide from the tougher bits they had to work through.”
We recognize we aren’t clear of the pandemic yet. There are new spikes. And concerns as winter approaches. There’s still work to be done. Together. And that’s why this may be the best time to share this episode. To remember the parts of the challenge met. The best efforts in the face of uncertainty. The human element.
We’re grateful to everyone who follows and listens and shares this podcast with others. Because of you, we’re growing. Because of you, we’re in a position to share bits and pieces of Pittsburg’s COVID-era story with the world. That’s right, Kansas. Uncovering Kansas has listeners from outside the (mostly) rectangular-shaped heart located smack dab in the center of the United States of America—the place we call home. Folks is interested, as ya might say. So, again, THANK YOU.
Stay safe and healthy, and we hope you enjoy this month’s episode.