Jan 7, 2023
I’m trying to help the Kansas Office of Broadband get the word out about the Federal Communications Commission broadband funding deadline that is January 13 2023. It requires that you take action by the 13th to help ensure that Kansas get the appropriate allocation of Federal funding to invest in high-speed internet.
The funding will be based on a map that determines what portion of each state has access to broadband. The issue is that the map is not always accurate. What the Kansas Broadband Office is asking all Kansans to do is to make sure you are accurately represented on the map.
The reason is that the FCC shows KS at ~5% unserved. We are more likely closer to 15% unserved, and that difference will have a direct negative impact on the dollars we receive … potentially 100’s of millions of dollars! We can challenge/change this map, but it will take a strategic concerted effort across the state and through our networks.
So - here is what you need to do:
If you find that either of these things is wrong on the map, you’ll want to click on the link for “Location Challenge” or ‘Availability Challenge” depending on what the issue is.
The other way you can help is to get the word out. Please tell your family, friends and neighbors
About this and ask them to take action. And, if you have older relatives who that may not feel comfortable using site you can help complete this challenge.
Again, the deadline for making challenges to the map is January 12th 2023 so time is of the essence here.